- The school offers children of Class XI the opportunity to be part of The Young Entrepreneurs Program (TYE).
The TYE program, a nonprofit organisation aims to teach young and budding entrepreneurs the whys and hows of running a startup with a sharp focus on ideation, creation and execution. It encourages children to understand all the nuances of entrepreneurship, including how to make an impactful business plan.
This six-month program will culminate with a business plan competition amongst the different TiE Chapters across the globe, with the finals hosted in the US. It is run in over 23 cities around the world.
- BOSS (Bank of Saupins Students) was inaugurated a year back with a view to give children hands on knowledge of banking procedures and inculcate the habit of saving. Children opened accounts and learnt of the difference between Saving Account, Recurring Deposits and Fixed Deposits etc.
Loans were also made available on low rates to Class IV employees of the school. Employees were guided through the process an benefited from this move directed towards their welfare.
On the 1st anniversary of B.O.S.S students presented their Annual report and new accounts were also opened. Jaspreet Kaur, Senior manager of Oriental Bank of Commerce was the Chief guest for the occasion. She congratulated the children on their enterprise and spoke to them on Banking related issues.
- After a visit to the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) Class 12th conducted a seminar to educate their juniors about the workings of BSE. The seminar also provided knowledge about how to open a demat a/c, how to purchase shares in the open market etc.
- Group discussions on current economic issues impacting national and international economic markets.
- Presentation by students on Scope of Commerce - career opportunities for commerce students in the current world market.
- Olympiad – Children took part in the Economic Olympiads and Commerce International Olympiads.
- Advertisement making – To promote ideation and marketing skills.
- A commerce expo “Earning through learning” was conducted at Saupin’s 32 by the students of Class XI & XII. The expo aimed to impart students with practical knowledge of consumer dealing and marketing. The students prepared numerous eatable and drinks, which they sold to parents and children at the PTM. Organizing and executing the event was a great learning experience for the young entrepreneurs.
- Children of Class XI participated in EIM – ‘ENTREPRENEURSHIP-IN-MAKING’, an event organised by Chandigarh Club to provide a hands-on learning experience for the Commerce students. Students sold products like candles, pottery, sculptures and T-Shirts. They gained practical knowledge of marketing and organising. It provided them an opportunity to work on their team skills.
- Students of XII participated in “Rang De Basanti Chola” staged at Tagore. The play depicted the ideology of Bhagat Singh. Though known mainly as a revolutionary in India’s freedom struggle, he believed in freedom from exploitation whether by outsiders, or those within the country.
The director Mr Harjit Masuta drew inspiration from the works of Sagar Sarhadi, Devinder Daman and Piyush Mishra.
- Leaning through Earning an exhibition and sale of potted plants to promote an ecofriendly Diwali.
- Class XII Commerce students went on an educational trip to Bombay Stock Exchange. (2019-2020)
A senior officer of the BSE Mr Subhojeet Karmakar took them on a tour of the Stock Exchange Building. In a seminar, they were briefed on the history of the stock exchange, modalities of trading earlier and now, the transparency of online trading etc. Malpractices like insider trading were also explained to them.
Saupin’s 32 was the first school in the country to visit the Stock Exchange.
Commerce Stream only
- Subjects offered are English, Economics, Accountancy, Business-Studies.
- Mathematics, Physical Education, Painting and Music are optional choices.
- # Minimum percentage for passing 33%.
- # Minimum attendance required 75%.