Thinking Classrooms
Thinking Classrooms is a programme of thought provoking questions (Maths and Science) related to real life situations. The worksheets and questions are gamified to engage the children and promote their active participation in the learning process. (Classes IV to VIII)

With the E-Blocks software children of pre primary learn English and Maths with exciting pictures, music, animations and games that encourage collaborative work and make learning meaningful, successful social experience. Students work in groups. E-Blocks bring students interaction with software to a new dimension.

ASSET (Assessment of Scholastic Skills through Educational Testing), a product of Educational Initiatives, is a diagnostic test which actually helps students improve their concepts and skills. Unlike regular tests which try only to find out how much a child knows (or has memorised), ASSET measures how well a student has understood concepts and gives detailed feedback on the same, to help them improve. It helps each student know whether she has actually understood a concept early on so that immediate action can be taken. The school has integrated this program for all students of classes 3-10 Core Subjects: English, Maths, Science Social Science, Hindi and Computational Thinking Based on the Indian curriculum (CBSE, ICSE and state boards) Detailed Skill-wise feedback with customised letter for every student Conducted in the school during school hours Schools choose to take the test in Summer (August) or Winter (December)
PISA for schools –
Assessments designed to assess Secondary School students in Maths, Science and Reading.
Enables international level comparisons and benchmarking between schools and provides insights for remediation and improvement of school performance.(Age Group 15 to 16)
Lego- the American educational Robotics, models, equipments for Classes III - VIII integrate Maths, Science and Technology into engaging hands on classroom projects which bring learning alive. The projects are supplemented with worksheets containing thought provoking questions which further reinforce learning.

The complete digital resources for teaching Primary Science in Classes I to V. Tigtag includes hundreds of films, lessons plans and ideas for practical activities. Twig: The twig website provides school-wide access to thousands of three min films for Science, Maths and SST as well as worksheets, lesson plans, quizzes and diagram for Classes VI to X.
Designmate Eureka.in
Designmate a highly interactive , animated, user friendly software for the teaching of Environmental studies, Science and Math Classes I to X use. Mono comes with a library of around 2500 learning objects /topics. These learning objects cater to k12 Curriculum of Science and Mathematics. Each learning object comes with a set of learning resources like 3D animated videos, 3D simulations, 3D Interactive, 3D Virtual labs, quiz, Images, text, web-links,
glossary and key-terms as one single integrated object. The 3D animated videos act as strong visualization tools for easy understanding of complex concepts. Likewise, the 3D simulations, 3D Interactive, 3D Virtual labs set in the fun-filled gaming environment, give learners infinite opportunity to actively interact with challenging concepts resulting in better understanding of the topic.
Designmate Eureka.in 3D Stereo
A library of 1700 learning objects wherein each learning object is a combination of 3DS animated video, simulation, interactive & virtual labs. These high resolution stereoscopic animations create an immersive effect and keep students attentive and focused from the word go. Through simulations students explore complex structures in 3D which is otherwise not possible. They can rotate the objects to a 360 degree angle as they zoom in and zoom out. Thus the learning is acquired through doing.
Tinkering Lab VII to IX
TL is a work space where young minds can give shape to their ideas through hands on do-it-yourself mode; and learn innovation skills. Young children will get a chance to work with tools and equipment to understand the concepts of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). TL would contain educational and learning ‘do it yourself’ kits and equipment on – science, electronics, robotics, open source microcontroller boards, sensors and 3D printers and computers. In order to foster inventiveness among students, the school is setting up Tinkering for (Classes VII to IX). It will be first of its kind in Chandigarh. The objective of this scheme is to foster curiosity, creativity and imagination in young minds; and inculcate skills such as design mindset, computational thinking, adaptive learning, physical computing.

School Cinema
School cinema is a learning module on life-skills, values and attitudes, developed through research and taught using short films and through-provoking workbooks for Classes 1-VIII.
Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopedia Britannica is an excellent online resource for purposes of reference and study. It contains well researched articles, videos, quizzes etc to help widen the childrens horizons and knowledge.
Without Walls
A programme to bring childrens’ general awareness to a level where they can hold their own and discuss intellegently a range of topics related to the world. An important asset for future global citizens. (Classes IV to VI)