Saupin’s School, Chandigarh Managed and controlled by The Saupin Educational Foundation C/o Saupin’s School, #14, Sector 32 A, Chandigarh
In all matters concerning the School, the decision of the Principal / Headmistress shall be final.
For admissions visit the admission section of our website, www.saupins.com.
- Parents who wish to withdraw their children from school at the end of the session must inform the school office in writing by the 1st of March of that session. Requests for withdrawal after this date will invite a minimum charge of Rs. 2500/-.
- Parents who wish to withdraw their children after the start of the academic session, must inform the school in writing giving one month notice, or one month’s fee in lieu of the notice.
Explanation: If a months’ notice prior to the actual date of withdrawal is given, then the student will be charged fee up till the date of withdrawal. If no notice is given, the student will be charged fee upto the date of application for withdrawal and one month’s fee in lieu of the notice. - Parents are advised that a Transfer Certificate can be issued only on the completion of all formalities, including clearing of all dues, and only when a child is withdrawn and ceases to attend school.
- Admission fees once paid will not be refunded.
Fee Rules
- Fees are to be paid quarterly online through “Schoolpadapp” or into school bank account (details given below). In case of any difficulty visit “Fees Online” guide given on school website (www.saupins.com).
Bank Account No. IFSC Code UBI (Union Bank Of India) 556902010000517 UBIN0555690 ICICI Bank 181301000348 ICIC0001813 - Payment of fee:
Quarters Last Date 1st quarter (April, May, June) 10th April
At the time of admission (for new comers)2nd quarter (July, August, September) 10th July 3rd quarter (October, November, December) 10th October 4th quarter (January, February, March) 10th January - For quarterly payment of fees the late fees will be as under:
- With in 1st month of the due date the late fee will be Rs. 10/- per day
- After one month and within 2nd month of the due date the late fee will be Rs. 20/- per day.
- After 2nd month and within 3rd month the late fee will be Rs. 30/- per day.
If fee remains unpaid for 3 months, the late fee will amount to:
Rs. 300 + 600 + 900 = 1800/- - Payment of fee is the responsibility of the Parents and reminders are just a courtesy.
- A student is liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls if due fee remains unpaid for more than 3 months.
- No interest is payable on Caution money deposited.
- Fees once paid will not be refunded.
- In any event the school will not permit joining a class in the next session if all fees / dues are not cleared before the beginning of the new session.
- In the event of any natural or man-made disaster, Parents must undertake to continue paying fees etc. as per directions of the administration / courts as the case may be.
Rules For Students / Parents
- Students must come to school neatly and cleanly dressed, in the complete school uniformprescribed for the season. Students must wear the school I card every day.
- Children must be in school uniform even on their birthdays.
- Students must reach school at least 5 minutes before the bell. Late comers may be sent back home. Students availing bus transport must reach their appointed stops well in time.
- After a certain level the school will operate for longer hours and students / parents undertake to accept this despite distance from school and / or any tuitions etc. the child may be undergoing privately.
- Irregular attendance, neglect of homework, insubordination with teachers, wilful disobedience or behaviour not in-tune with the general discipline of the school, will be dealt with seriously and may result in stay back(s) (remediation) / suspension / dismissal. In the case of a stay back, parents will have to make their own transport arrangements.
- Any kind of damage to school property will be made good by the offender. In some cases penal and exemplary fines may also be imposed.
- Bullying and usage of foul language are punishable offences.
- Students are not permitted to bring objectionable books, magazines or other such literature to school. Radios, video games, mobile phones, pagers and other electronic gadgets are also not permitted in school. Expensive watches, ornaments / valuables or jewellery are also not permitted. Sharp objects like paper cutters and blades are completely prohibited.
- Students are responsible for their own belongings. Parents should ensure that tiffin boxes, school bags, cardigans, blazers, books, etc. bear the name of the child. The school will not be held responsible for any valuables, including money that may be lost.
- The school lays special stress on all round activities like sports and other clubs (see list on website https://www.chandigarh.saupins.com/ under the heading Beyond Academics) and parent accept their duty to encourage their children to take active part in them, even after school hours. Participation in all school activities including sports / games, clubs, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities organized by the school is compulsory. That children selected to represent the school in various fields may also be required to travel nationally / internationally and parent accept their duty to encourage and facilitate such participation.
- Any child who needs to be exempted from any activity for medical reasons, must submit a doctor’s certificate, certifying the necessity. For some items practice beyond school hours or on holidays, may be necessary. Travel and stay arrangements will be the responsibility of the school. Participating children will be eligible for up-gradation of grades in their academic result (upto Class VIII)/ and other suitable awards.
Rules For Leave
- Students are expected to maintain atleast 90% attendance in school.
- Your child must attend school regularly, especially on the first and the last day of a school term. Written permission must be sought from the Principal/Headmistress in case a child is not able to attend school.
- Leave/absenteeism will be sanctioned only against a leave application posted on Schoolpad by 8:00 am on the day of the leave. An application for sick leave must be accompanied by a doctor’s certificate/prescription.
- For students of Classes IX, X, XI and XII it is mandatory that the leave application be accompanied by confirmation in person (by either parent) or by a phone call, between 8.00 am and 9.00 am.
- No student will be allowed to leave the school premises during school hours. (NO HALF DAY LEAVE).
- In case of illness or some other commitment, children should not be sent to school at all, even if there is any kind of test. It is extremely unreasonable that children who are ill should be sent for tests. Children will be allowed to leave the school premises before the regular time only if the Principal/ Headmistress is satisfied that there is a genuine emergency that the parent was not aware of at the time of sending the child to school.
- Holidays Declared in Newspapers by the U.T/State Administration will be observed.
Parents should bear in mind that if a holiday or a change in timings/ is declared by the U.T/State Administration through newspapers/ TV they should comply with it and send children to school accordingly.
School Records
- In all official correspondence with the school, the full name of the child as well as the Class, Section and Admission number should be stated.
- Any change in address or phone number must be notified to the school office with immediate effect in writing. Kindly treat this as important.
- No change in date of birth (from as in the Birth certificate submitted at the time of admission) of a student will be allowed.
- No change in the names of the student or parents / guardian shall be allowed without due process as specified by the CBSE:-
- Affidavit given by the parent, duly notarized/ signed by the Executive Magistrate.
- Advertisement in two newspapers.
- Inclusion in the official Gazette.
- If a child belongs to SC/ST/OBC community, a certificate of the same must be provided at the time of admissions (CBSE requirement).
Notes For Parents
- The school uses cutting edge modern technology for education which, starting at the entry level i.e. Nursery will require access to the internet/computers/smart phones/tablets at home.
- Check your designated cell phone every day. All messages, notices, including homework are sent regularly through the Saupin’s ‘School Pad App’. Please make sure that your phone has the current school communication App.
- Append your signature to messages, report cards or other documents when requested to do so.
- It is imperative for parents to attend all Parent/Teacher Meetings and Orientation Programmes of the school. The school will take a serious view of parents regularly absenting themselves from such meetings, or those who show disinterest or unconcern towards their child’s education.
- Students are liable to be detained in case they do not secure 33% marks in Classes V & VIII.
- Give sufficient time and attention towards the academic progress and daily work of your child. If you wish to discuss a matter of concern, contact the Principal/Headmistress.
- Be available, if it is necessary, to discuss aspects of your child’s behaviour at school. Be open to listening and considering the teacher’s opinion regarding your child, even when the comments may be less than complimentary.
- Parents are expected to exert firm parental discipline where their child’s behaviour is a distracting influence, and an obstruction to learning opportunities for others in the school.
- A detailed system of conduct records has been worked out where by students may be eligible for awards on the basis of their good conduct.
- Private tuitions are strongly discouraged. Children must be encouraged to do their homework by themselves. It is important that children develop a habit of working on their own (with parental guidance if necessary). In any event, the services of a Saupin’s teacher cannot be used for the private tutoring of a student after school hours.
- It is understood that school will take all possible care and precautions to safeguard children when they are on school premises. However, the school will not be held responsible for any mishap beyond its control.
- Students should NOT be allowed to bring cell phones to school under any circumstances. However, in the event of an emergency, students may make / receive phone calls at the reception.
- No special arrangements can be made for pupils who, for any reason whatsoever, are absent for any examination/ test or any part of it. Examinations / test cannot be bought forward or postponed. In case of absence on medical or other legitimate grounds, due consideration will be given and the final result/ promotion will be awarded on the whole year’s performance.
- After a certain level the school will operate for longer hours and no exemptions can be made despite distance from school and / or any tuitions etc. the child may be undergoing privately.
- Students from different sections may be shuffled as per recommendation of the class teacher at the beginning of the new session or any other time (if necessary). We request your total support in this matter.
- Parents may not send gifts or eatables to celebrate their wards birthdays in school.
- Parents may not participate in any agitation or demonstration and tarnish the fair name of the school in any public fora. Any valid complaints may be forwarded to the school authorities for redressal.
Dealings With Teachers And Staff
- Parents may NOT meet the class teacher/subject teacher or their children during the school hours in their classrooms. Class teacher/subject teacher or student may be met in the reception area after obtaining permission from the Principal/Headmistress.
- A teacher should not be criticized infront of your child, as it undermines his/her respect for the teacher and the school. Should you have a legitimate complaint, please meet the Principal/Headmistress.
- Parents are instructed that they should not enter into any monetary dealings with teachers or staff of the school. School fee should be deposited at the authorized places only. Teachers, P.T.I.s, sub staff and drivers are not authorized personnel to be entrusted with school fee.
- Transport facility is available for all children residing within Chandigarh and Mohali at the approved fee schedule for the year. For those residing in outlying areas, availability and fee,may be subject to the distance covered and the number of children travelling on a given route.
- Parents are notified that engaging rickshaws/ auto rickshaws or vans is not safe and not permitted by the Transport Department. It has been made mandatory for the school to report such vehicles to the authorities. In any case the school does not take any responsibility for such vehicles.
- Underage children are not allowed to commute to school on self driven motor vehicles (Cars /Scooter/ Motor Cycles). Moreover, it has been made mandatory for the school to report offenders to the authorities.